Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Div A Before Div B

I currently have div B before div A in the HTML, and div B has float. I want to reproduce this, but with div A before div B in the HTML.

As long as both div B and div A have fixed widths, which when added together is less than or equal to the width of its parent, then it doesn’t matter which of them comes first in the HTML!

float order

Equally important to mention is that if div A and div B do not have a fixed with, then they should, because floating elements without widths is a recipe for trouble.

Position Absolute With Text Wrap?

This is an interesting one. Of course we can position a div to the bottom-right with absolute positioning as described above. But as soon as we do that, the div is “removed from the flow” of the document, meaning that regular text in the parent div will ignore its placement and go right over it.

I’m struggling to think of a really great solution for this… So if anyone has something, please share it in the comments. One short-term, hacky solution would be to force some sensibly placed line breaks in the text at the bottom that would make it seem like it’s wrapping at default font sizes. Or place the image inline and floated to the right, but in the middle of the text, towards the bottom of it.


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